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negative sign 【數學】負號(-)。


Five channels are government size , price distortion , domestic investment , manufactures exports and fdi , with the manufactures exports for the biggest effect . but the macroeconomic policy quality of our country expresses a negative sign between the economic growth and international trade 回歸的結果表明,在六個作用渠道中我國的國際貿易通過政府開支、價格扭曲、國內投資、制成品出口和外國直接投資極大地促進了我國的經濟增長,其中作用最大的聯系渠道是制成品出口。

The former leads to couplings between all transitions with the same sign and to absorption reduction . the latter results in couplings , of which two terms have positive sign and with another two have negative sign 產生耦合的另一因素是激發態相干的自發轉移,它對其中兩個探測躍遷產生正號的耦合,對另兩個探測躍遷產生負號的耦合。

It is due to the couplings with positive and negative signs that significantly modify the contribution of dressed coherence to absorption , i . e . , changes absorption inhibition to absorption enhancement 這些正負參半的耦合導致介質對吸收的相長干涉,從而導致電磁誘導吸收。

If one partner has a share of profit and the other has a share of loss , should a negative sign be put before the shared loss in the last column of box 2 . 2 如一名合人獲得部分利潤,而另一名合人卻承擔了部分虧損,應否在第2 . 2欄最后一項的虧損數額前面加上負號( ? ) ?

If one partner has a share of profit and the other has a share of loss , should a negative sign be put before the shared loss in the last column of box 1 . 2 如一名合人獲得部分利潤,而另一名合人卻承擔了部分虧損,應否在第1 . 2欄最后一項的虧損數額前面加上負號?

A positive sign may indicate a likely upward trend while a negative sign , a likely downward trend . this page was last updated on 31 january 2005 正數反映有關項目可能有上升的趨勢,而負數則反映可能有下降的傾向。本頁最新修訂于2005年1月31日。

A positive sign may indicate an upward trend , while a negative sign may indicate a downward trend . this page was last updated on 1 november 2004 正數反映有關項目可能有上升的趨勢,而負數則反映可能有下降的傾向。本頁最新修訂于2004年11月1日。

If we are dealing with a debit , outy should be set to misc , inny should be set to - , and the negative sign in front of the debit amount should be removed 如果正處理貸款,應該將outy設置成misc ,將inny設置成- ,并且應該除去貸款數量前面的負號。

A positive sign may indicate a likely upward trend while a negative sign , a likely downward trend . this page was last updated on 29 april 2005 正數反映有關項目可能有上升的趨勢,而負數則反映可能有下降的傾向。本頁最新修訂于2005年4月29日。

A positive sign may indicate a likely upward trend while a negative sign , a likely downward trend . this page was last updated on 29 july 2005 正數反映有關項目可能有上升的趨勢,而負數則反映可能有下降的傾向。本頁最新修訂于2005年7月29日。

The young man s finger , glided over the words , but at each one noirtier answered by a negative sign . valentine hid her head between her hands 那個青年人的手指一個字一個字地往下移,但諾瓦蒂埃對每一個字作出一個否定的表示。

If the partnership has made an adjusted loss for the year , should we put a negative sign in the last column of box 2 . 2 如該合業務于該年度有經調整的虧損,我們應否在第2 . 2欄最后一項加上負號( ? ) ?

No . negative signs or brackets are not required in box 1 . 2 , but the total should match the adjusted loss reported in box 1 . 2 of bir 52 不過,總額應與bir表格第52號第1 . 2欄內所申報的經調整的虧損相符。

If the partnership has made an adjusted loss for the year , should i put a negative sign in the last column of box 1 . 2 如該合業務于該年度有經調整的虧損,我們應否在第1 . 2欄最后一項加上負號?

No . negative signs or brackets are not required in box 2 . 2 , but the total should match the adjusted loss reported in box 1 . 2 你無須在第2 . 2欄內加上負號( ? )或括號。不過,總額應與第1

The value does not consist solely of an optional negative sign followed by a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 該值不是僅由一個可選負號后跟一系列從0到9的數字組成的。

Does not consist solely of an optional negative sign followed by a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 不是僅由一個可選負號后跟一系列從0到9的數字組成的。

Which represents a non - base 10 unsigned number , is prefixed with a negative sign ,它表示一個非10為基的無符號數,前面帶一個負號。

Which represents a non - base 10 signed number , is prefixed with a negative sign ,它表示一個非10為基的有符號數,前面帶一個負號。